Monday, April 26, 2010

Sorbet and the Sweet Taste of Consistency


Sorbet – a dessert that tastes just like ice cream - is easy to experience and much harder to create.  It requires the producer to mix the ingredients in a specific order, stir them in a particular way, and chill the final product for a precise amount of time. If the instructions aren't followed or if the process isn't respected, the end always results in a runny mess or big ball of ice. 


If it is made according to the recipe…every single time…the final product will – without fail – always come out creamy, smooth and will satisfy the most discriminating of taste buds.

In the dating world, consistency is important! 

If a man is interested in you, he will consistently show it and will not deviate from the patterns that he established when he first met you.

Big Chocolate was tall, well-spoken, knowledgeable….and ABOVE ALL things…he was consistent. He called me every night, he texted me every morning, and it was refreshing to experience someone who didn’t cause me to question his interest.

We agreed to meet up the following Saturday, and though I fully expected our next date to be better than the first I still had reservations.

Not because he had said something OR had done something.  But, because our situation felt just a little TOO good, I mean it felt waaaay TOO good!  Like that moment when you think that handsome stranger is smiling seductively at you from across the room... and just when you and your cleavage go over to say "hello"...he admits he was really trying to holla at your flamboyantly dressed male friend.


Big Chocolate was proving too good to be true; so, when we met for dinner I decided to add a little spice into the mix:

"So Big Chocolate," I said. "What are your feelings on monogamy?"


Tap, tap, tap!  Testing, Testing! 

More silence. 

Check 1, 2, 3.  Check 3, 2, 1. Is this thing on?

Giving me a delicious smile, he continued. “Well, I have to be honest with you, sweetheart, I have a dragon that I’m trying to kill right now."

He went onto explain that his dragon was women, that he had always had a weakness for a pretty face and a nice body

…Is that right?…

 “It’s like my daddy said.” He continued. “ Women are like locks.  Men are like keys.  I've met many, many, many women who have allowed me to open their locks and although I enjoyed it I had to ask myself..."

I sat forward on the edge of my chair....

"What do you call a lock that is just a little TOO easy to open?"  

Maybe, broken?


He chuckled, “PRETTY, in it's a pretty, shitty lock.”

I laughed so hard I almost choked on my dinner roll.  Almost....

“Just think about it, if it’s easy to open, that means one man's key ain't the first and probably won't be the last to get inside."  He reached over and grabbed my hand. “But I like you and I do not think you have a shitty lock.  You got that type of lock that requires a special type of key.”  Then he winked at me.

Wait a minute.  

When he said "key," was he referring to his….

Underneath the table, I crossed my legs.  I mean, Big Chocolate was cute and I appreciated the compliment... but if his key had opened a whole bunch of pretty, shitty locks….didn’t that make his key...

...a pretty, shitty key?

As we shared dessert…I wondered if being consistent was a Catch 22…

Sure, Big Chocolate was predictable…insomuch as I knew he would call me every night around 9pm and text me every morning around 6:30am.  But did his tendency to perform the same actions in a uniform manner also filter into other areas of his life as well?  

In other words, I wondered if he was being just as consistent with other women.   If I was the 9pm girl...was it possible there could also be an 8pm, 7pm and 6pm girl eagerly anticipating phone calls at the exact same time? 

There was no way for me to know...

...but I decided in that moment that even though I liked Big Chocolate, I like the idea of keeping my lock unopened a whole lot more....

Dating in DC continues with the next posting entitled, Happy Endings, make sure to leave your mark and post a comment! for a new post every Monday and Wednesday (and sometimes Friday)....


  1. If the lock is broken or easily open that would tell me that the women has had marital problems in the past and has been hurt, but not hurt enough that their "lock" cant be re-enforced.

  2. While a lock that is opened by any old key is indeed a sh**ty lock, a key that opens up many locks is known as a "Master Key".

    That's an NBC "The more you know..." moment right there.


  3. Anonymous said...
    I think you're right-consistency is important, but what if someone's job keeps them incredibly busy for a period of time? Also, what if family problems arise? I was talking to one of my girlfriends the other day, and she told me that a guy she was dating has been MIA because of a tragic family situation. I feel like this is an extreme example, but I'm not sure if consistency is all it takes. Some people are looking for merely a companion and not a solid relationship...

  4. Any man who wants to play around with a "well-used lock" is not discriminating...he's definitely the "skeleton key" type of guy. Run, RUN... Handle carefully, may need W-D 40! Big Chocolate may be great eye candy, but beware can cause cavities, and could cause lock rust! I'm interest to see what happens next!!!

  5. Great read, I'm sure many women can relate to this situation. Even though Big Chocolate is consistent and says all the right things, who wants a worn-out key, NOT ME!!

  6. LOL @ "Master Key". Indeed! I just want to add that for the new key ready to give the lock an ole educated not be too hasty because new keys need some wear and tear to fit in the lock properly.The goal is to fit, properly so that the lock can continue to open/work for you.Some locks only respond to old keys so the new key may receive some resistance at first. If at first you don't suceed...dust yourself off...
