Thursday, May 26, 2011

Meeting The Crew...

(Okay Ladies, Here's an Old, Unpublished Post :-) - Circa December 2010)

The absolute worst activity you can do in a DC lounge is dance. 

Two-step - Sure. 
Slight sway - Yes.
If noone is looking - a slight grind 4.5 inches away from the nearest person of the opposite sex - Absolutely.

You don't - however - dance! 

What DC lounges are made for is finding out if you can see well enough to determine if the cute guy wearing a diamond earring has a penis....OR, if he's a really nice looking woman with a great fade!  In other words, folks go to lounges to look at everyone looking at everyone looking at everyone else!

This past weekend, I was hanging at a club named Eden...despite it's lack of vegetation, animals and naked people.  And, though I was excited that my eyesight was still good enough to tell a Wet 'N Wavy weave from a Indian Premy ponytail, I was nervous about meeting Boss's Crew for the very first time.

"I like you," Boss had told me a few days before Eden.  "I want my friends to like you, too, because if they don't..."

I had waited for a "we will work on it," or a "we will brainwash them."

But instead he had repeated, "if they don't..."

And left me wondering what came next...

Over the past few weeks, Boss and I had slowly started creeping out of our duo bubble, and began making our interest more public! 

I would post his initials in a gchat message with a smile, and he would poke me and ask me how it felt on my Facebook wall.  Naughty!

We had not however told our friends about the "other" we had been significantly seeing for some time...preferring to keep our semi-pseudo-not-really-a-relationship-just-yet...between just us...

And I was cool with that until Boss had decided our party of two was too small, and the logical next step was to include a few friends.  I was happy (kinda) but didn't know if meeting his friends meant I should start leaving my sexy yellow toothbrush on his bathroom sink OR if I would get a letter in the mail asking me to check YES or NO to be his girlfriend?

So, days later with a toothbrush and writing pen tucked secretly in my Coach Bag (just in case)...I finally met his friends (dubbed the Crew) at Eden...and I was thrilled...

...well, kinda...

Until...Jay Z's rendition of "New York" started pumping and his entire Crew ran over to some chick wearing red and started hyping her.  This was followed by a Drake song, where the entire crew swarmed around a light-skinned Black dude with gray eyes and started shouting Drizzy.  Clearly he was Drake's DC twin, and... 

Clearly, I was out of the loop....

So, I stood there trying to look sexy in a pair of one hour heels (2 hours in), and attempting to figure out why I never got the memo that Boss's friends danced.  Here I was fully prepared to test my night vision, and there was the crew fully prepared to do Glee-like group rendition of "Teach Me How to Dougie." 

I was loving the impromptu hype sessions(really, I was), but I was pissed it required me to move more than two centimeters away from my new bff - the mirrored wall.

Clearly, the Crew had no love for lounging!

And clearly my one hour heels had no love for me.  But just when I was about to curse my big toe for lacking proper motivation.  Boss came over....grabbed my hand....and softly kissed my cheek before turning me around and pushing my hips into his waist forcing me (but not really ;-) to slow grind to a funky reggae beat.

All hips, no foot movement, just me and him and the beat. 

Though he didn't say this, what I knew in this one action was that I didn't have to worry about which way to cupid shuffle next and that no matter where I was standing (aching big toe and all)....Boss would stand there too.

"I'm still not sure if my friends like you!  I think they do."  Boss said.  "But tonight, Bree, I realized that my feelings for you don't require a confirmation."

And just like that (before falling into the nearest lounge seat to rest my feet)....I fell for Boss all over again....